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Configure the Security and Shared accounts

You should by now be more familiar with the steps required to create and configure the Management account. Now you need to do pretty much the same with two more accounts: Security and Shared. Follow the sections in this page to get started!

What are these accounts used for?

The Security account is intended for operating security services (e.g. GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, AWS Audit Manager, Amazon Detective, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Config), monitoring AWS accounts, and automating security alerting and response.

The Shared Services account supports the services that multiple applications and teams use to deliver their outcomes. Some examples include VPN servers, monitoring systems, and centralized logs management services.

Deploy the Security account's layers

The next account to orchestrate is the security account.

This account is intended for centralized user management via a IAM roles based cross organization authentication approach. This means that most of the users for your organization will be defined in this account and those users will access the different accounts through this one.

First, go to the security directory.

cd security

Set profile

Since we are using SSO, check in security/config/backend.tfvars file the profile is set to:

profile = "me-security-devops"

If it is not, please modify it. Note we are using a sample short project name me, use the one you have set.

Terraform backend layer

Move into the us-east-1/base-tf-backend directory and run:

leverage terraform init --skip-validation
leverage terraform apply

More information on terraform init and terraform apply

Now, to push the local .tfstate to the bucket, uncomment the backend section for the terraform configuration in security/base-tf-backend/

  backend "s3" {
    key = "security/tf-backend/terraform.tfstate"

And run again:

leverage terraform init

When prompted, answer yes.

Now you can safely remove the terraform.tfstate and terraform.tfstate.backup files created during the apply step.

Security layer

The last layer for the security account is the security layer. Move into the us-east-1/security-base directory and run:

leverage terraform init
leverage terraform apply

Deploy the Shared account's layers

The last account in this deployment is the shared account.

Again, this account is intended for managing the infrastructure of shared services and resources such as directory services, DNS, VPN, monitoring tools or centralized logging solutions.

Place yourself in the shared directory.

cd shared

Set profile

Since we are using SSO, check in shared/config/backend.tfvars file the profile is set to:

profile = "me-shared-devops"

If it is not, please modify it. Note we are using a sample short project name me, use the one you have set.

Terraform backend layer

Move into the us-east-1/base-tf-backend directory and run:

leverage terraform init --skip-validation
leverage terraform apply

More information on terraform init and terraform apply

Now, to push the local .tfstate to the bucket, uncomment the backend section for the terraform configuration in shared/base-tf-backend/

  backend "s3" {
    key = "shared/tf-backend/terraform.tfstate"

And run a second time:

leverage terraform init

When prompted, answer yes.

Now you can safely remove the terraform.tfstate and terraform.tfstate.backup files created during the apply step.

Security layer

Next, move into the us-east-1/security-base directory:

leverage terraform init
leverage terraform apply

Network layer

The last layer should be the network layer, so switch to that us-east-1/base-network and run:

leverage terraform init
leverage terraform apply

Next steps

You have now a fully deployed landing zone configuration for the Leverage Reference Architecture for AWS, with its three accounts management, security and shared ready to be used.

Next, you are going to tackle de last steps.