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Route53 DNS hosted zones

How it works

aws-service aws-service Route53 Considerations

  • Route53 private hosted zone will have associations with VPCs on different AWS organization accounts
  • Route53 should ideally be hosted in the Shared account, although sometimes Route53 is already deployed in a Legacy account where it can be imported and fully supported as code.
  • Route53 zero downtime migration (active-active hosted zones) is completely possible and achievable with Leverage terraform code


Figure: AWS Organization shared account Route53 DNS diagram. (Source: Cristian Southall, "Using CloudFormation Custom Resources to Configure Route53 Aliases", Blog post, accessed November 18th 2020).

User guide



  1. DNS service has to be orchestrated from /shared/global/base-dns layer following the standard workflow

Migrated AWS Route53 Hosted Zones between AWS Accounts

We'll need to setup the Route53 DNS service with an active-active config to avoid any type of service disruption and downtime. This would then allow the Name Servers of both AWS Accounts to be added to your domain provider (eg: and have for example:

  • 4 x ns (project-legacy Route53 Account)
  • 4 x ns (project-shared Route53 Account)

After the records have propagated and everything looks OK we could remove the project-legacy Route53 ns from your domain provider (eg: and leave only the of project-shared ones.

This official Migrating a hosted zone to a different AWS account - Amazon Route 53 article explains this procedure step by step:

AWS Route53 hosted zone migration steps

  1. Create records in the new hosted zone (bb-shared)
  2. Compare records in the old and new hosted zones (bb-legacy)
  3. Update the domain registration to use name servers for the new hosted zone (NIC updated to use both bb-legacy + bb-shared)
  4. Wait for DNS resolvers to start using the new hosted zone
  5. (Optional) delete the old hosted zone (bb-legacy), remember you'll need to delete the ns delegation records from your domain registration (NIC) too.