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AWS Credentials

Three main sets of credentials are used to interact with the AWS environment. We called them bootstrap, management and security credentials.

bootstrap credentials

These are temporary credentials used for the initial deployment of the architecture, and they should only be used for this purpose. Once this process is finished, management and security users should be the ones managing the environment.

management credentials

management credentials are meant to carry the role of making all important administrative tasks in the environment (e.g. billing adjustments). They should be tied to a physical user in your organization.

A user with these credentials will assume the role OrganizationAccountAccessRole when interacting the environment.

security credentials

These credentials are the ones to be used for everyday maintenance and interaction with the environment. Users in the role of DevOps | SecOps | Cloud Engineer in your organization should use these credentials.

A user with these credentials will assume te role DevOps when interacting with the environment.

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AWS reference links

Consider the following AWS official links as reference: