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Leverage CLI

  • We rely on the Leverage CLI as a wrapper to run ansible commands that consistently use the same config files and secrets.

  • You are encouraged to read more about our Leverage CLI how it works section to better understand it.

leverage-ansible Ansible Infra

  1. Get into the folder that you need to work with (e.g. ansible-playbook-vpn-pritunl)
  2. Run leverage run init to get all the necessary Ansible roles based on each requirements.yml
  3. Make whatever changes you need to make as stated in each Playbook Documentation (check Documentation section above)
  4. For a dry run execution use leverage run apply\[--check\] if you only mean to preview those changes
  5. Run leverage run apply if you want to apply those changes
  6. If you want to target specific playbook tasks by tag (eg: common tag) you can run one of the following options:
    • Opt-1: leverage run apply["--tags","common"]
    • Opt-2: noglob leverage run apply["--tags","common"]
    • Opt-3: leverage shell and then ansible-playbook setup.yml --tags common