Leverage competitive advantages

✅ Reduce the staff/skilling issue gap
✅ Avoid from scratch and custom solutions hidden costs (in many cases hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement)
✅ Leverage is several orders of magnitude less expensive (either time, money and risk) to implement than a custom AWS solution for your business

STARTING POINT From scratch From scratch ✅ Leverage 5+ years and 140+ Open Source
repos of production ready code
INCENTIVES Minimize investment of time Maximize billable hours ✅ Maximize utility w/ reusable components
(IaC library) + Cross project reference
architecture under best practices
SCOPE OF WORK Varies depending on team knowledge
and time available
Varies depending on consultant
knowledge and budget available
✅ End-to-end, modular architecture that
fulfills a production-ready solution
roadmap fully based on the
AWS Well-Architected Framework
TIME TO LAUNCH & PROD GO LIVE! 3 – 12 months (highly variable) 3 – 12 months (highly variable) ✅ 1 – 3 months (highly predictable
depending on your project complexity needs)
MONTHLY COST $14,000 – $32,000 per month
(2 Sr DevOps Engineers / SRE / Cloud
Architects, $80k–$150k /year)
$32,000 – $64,000 per month
(2 Sr DevOps, SRE or Cloud Consultants,
$100–$200 /hour)
✅ $0 – $10,800 per month
(Leverage Support team, $80 – 90 / hour)
- Subscription Plans
- Rates and Billing
DOCS & TESTS ❌ None ❌️ None ✅ Complete documentation and automated tests
Better code quality and modules library
maturity (proven and tested).
AUTOMATED DEPLOYMENT ❌ None ❌ None Leverage CLI (Command Line Interface)
SECURITY & BEST PRACTICES Varies depending on team knowledge
and time available
Varies depending on consultant
knowledge and budget available
✅ Security by design based on:
- AWS Security Reference Architecture
- AWS Well-Architected Framework
CONFIGURABLE BEHAVIOUR ❌ None ❌ None Composable, extensible & customizable
(Provides reasonable defaults, but it’s
very configurable in case you need more control)
INFRA AS CODE (IAC) & VERSIONING Varies depending on team knowledge
and time available
Varies depending on consultant
knowledge and budget available
100% Infra as Code (IaC) versioned approach
(or paying even more money)
✅ On-going maintenance, continuous updates
and improvements, version upgrades and
security patches

Leverage vs Competition