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Private Repositories

Working with Terraform modules in private repos

If it is the case that the layer is using a module from a private repository read the following. E.g.:

module "themodule" {
  source = ""
where is a private repo.

SSH accessed repository

To source a Terraform module from a private repository in a layer via an SSH connection these considerations have to be kept in mind.

Leverage CLI will mount the host's SSH-Agent socket into the Leverage Toolbox container, this way your keys are accessed in a secure way.

So, if an SSH private reporitory has to be accessed, the corresponding keys need to be loaded to the SSH-Agent.

If the agent is automatically started and the needed keys added in the host system, it should work as it is.

These steps should be followed otherwise:

  • start the SSH-Agent:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

  • add the keys to it

    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/<private_ssh_key_file>
    (replace private_ssh_key_file with the desired file, the process can request the passphrase if it was set on key creation step)

Using the SSH config file to specify the key that must be used for a given host

The ssh-agent socket is not always available in all the OS, like in Mac. So now our leverage terraform init command copies the ssh config file (and the whole .ssh directory) into the container volume, which means any custom configuration you have there, will be used. You can read more on the ssh official documentation.

If, for example, you need to use a custom key for your private repositories on gitlab, you could add a block to your ssh config file, specifying:

 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_gitlab_key