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Layers parameter

This parameter can be used with the following Leverage CLI Terraform commands:

  • init
  • plan
  • apply
  • output
  • destroy


Parameter Type Description
--layers string A comma serparated list of layer's relative paths

Common workflow

When using the --layers parameter, these commands should be run from account or layers-container-directory directories.


For this structure:

 ├── user
 │   └── project
 │       └── management
 │           ├── global
 │           |   └── security-base
 │           |   └── sso
 │           └── us-east-1
 │               └── terraform-backend

...any of the aforementioned commands, combined with --layers, can be called from /home/user/project/management/, /home/user/project/management/global/ or /home/user/project/management/us-east-1/.

The value for this parameter is a comma separated list of layer's relative paths.

Leverage CLI will iterate through the layer's relative paths, going into each one, executing the command and going back to the original directory.


For this command, from /home/user/project/management/:

leverage tf plan --layers us-east-1/terraform-backend,global/security-base

...the Leverage CLI will:

  • check each one of the layer's relative paths exists
  • go into us-east-1/terraform-backend directory
  • run the plan command
  • go back to /home/user/project/management/
  • go into global/security-base directory
  • run the plan command
  • go back to /home/user/project/management/

The init case

When running init Leverage CLI runs a validation.

When using the --layers option, the validation is run for every layer before the command itself is run.


For this command, from /home/user/project/management/:

leverage tf init --layers us-east-1/terraform-backend,global/security-base

...the Leverage CLI will:

  • check each one of the layer's relative paths exists
  • go into us-east-1/terraform-backend directory
  • run the validate-layout command
  • go back to /home/user/project/management/
  • go into global/security-base directory
  • run the validate-layout command
  • go back to /home/user/project/management/
  • go into us-east-1/terraform-backend directory
  • run the init command
  • go back to /home/user/project/management/
  • go into global/security-base directory
  • run the init command
  • go back to /home/user/project/management/

This is done this way to prevent truncated executions. Meaning, if any of the validation fails, the user will be able to fix whatever has to be fixed and run the command again as it is.

Skipping the validation

The --skip-validation flag still can be used here with --layers.

Terraform parameters and flags

Terraform parameters and flags can still be passed when using the --layers parameter.


leverage tf apply --layers us-east-1/terraform-backend,global/security-base -auto-approve