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Command: credentials

The credentials command is used to set up and manage the AWS CLI credentials required to interact with the AWS environment.

All credentials's subcommands feed off the project.yaml, build.env, and Terraform configuration files to obtain the information they need. In case the basic required information is not found, the subcommands will prompt the user for it.



leverage credentials configure --type [BOOTSTRAP|MANAGEMENT|SECURITY] [options]

The credentials configure command sets up the credentials needed to interact with the AWS environment, from the initial deployment process (BOOTSTRAP) to everyday management (MANAGEMENT) and development or use (SECURITY) of it.

It attempts to retrieve the structure of the organization in order to generate all the AWS CLI profiles required to interact with the environment and update the terraform configuration with the id of all relevant accounts.

Backups of the previous configured credentials files are always created when overwriting or updating the current ones.


  • --type: Type of the credentials to set. Can be any of BOOTSTRAP, MANAGEMENT or SECURITY. This option is case insensitive. This option is required.
  • --credentials-file: Path to a .csv credentials file, as produced by the AWS Console, containing the user's programmatic access keys. If not given, the user will be prompted for the credentials.
  • --fetch-mfa-device: Retrieve an MFA device serial from AWS for the current user.
  • --overwrite-existing-credentials: If the type of credentials being configured is already configured, overwrite current configuration. Mutually exclusive option with --skip-access-keys-setup.
  • --skip-access-keys-setup: Skip the access keys configuration step. Continue on to setting up the accounts profiles. Mutually exclusive option with --overwrite-existing-credentials.
  • --skip-assumable-roles-setup: Don't configure each account profile to assume their specific role.

If neither of --overwrite-existing-credentials or --skip-access-keys-setup is given, the user will be prompted to choose between both actions when appropriate.